2 Feb 2025


S3 775 chip set Video Driver

Company: S3
Model: 775 chip set
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: S3VGA775.zip


S3 775 chip set Driver. if your S3 card chip set is 775 but not work with orjinal s3 driver , you must try this. When install driver windows you must type with hand oemsetup.inf (name oemsetup.inf). Your mouse pointer not set this name.

Only this way true and working.Good luck.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 3646 03-10-92 04:10 8514FIX.FO_ 4237 03-10-92 04:10 8514OEM.FO_ 3633 03-10-92 04:10 8514SYS.FO_ 50359 06-19-97 18:21 AD9501.DR_ 4793 09-26-96 16:55 AD9501.VX_ 82472 09-13-96 14:13 CCMPEG.DL_ 106487 09-13-96 16:24 CCMPEGW.DL_ 895 05-13-96 10:43 CD16.DR_ 5955 07-11-96 11:17 CD_ROM.DL_ 3729 03-10-92 04:10 CGA40850.FO_ 3049 03-10-92 04:10 CGA80850.FO_ 11021 03-10-92 04:10 COURF.FO_ 18926 05-22-96 16:57 DDHELP.EX_ 90022 05-29-96 16:52 DDRAW.DL_ 15362 05-25-96 21:30 DDRAW16.DL_ 6930 12-22-96 11:59 DDT64V32.DL_ 5 05-30-95 05:41 DISK1 4124 11-11-96 13:36 DRIMEM.EX_ 4529 10-29-96 11:23 DRIREG.DL_ 1673 12-20-96 10:07 DRIVGA.IN_ 4486 11-07-96 11:41 DRI_MEMO.DL_ 35756 07-16-96 12:37 DRI_OSD.DL_ 14551 11-29-95 13:59 DVIDEO.DL_ 4058 03-10-92 04:10 EGA40850.FO_ 3243 03-10-92 04:10 EGA80850.FO_ 8024 06-16-97 18:27 EZCEXT.DL_ 49302 11-06-95 15:13 ICCVID.DL_ 60400 11-12-96 16:54 INSTALL.EXE 3370 12-20-96 10:06 INSTALL.INS 87239 11-09-95 09:51 IR32_32.DL_ 4484 09-12-96 16:50 MCIVIDEO.DL_ 7199 11-11-96 11:44 MONITOR.DA_ 27402 01-01-90 18:08 OEMSETNT.INF 2939 06-16-97 18:26 OEMSETUP.INF 3396 12-20-96 10:16 OEMSETUP.IN_ 17797 12-20-96 10:16 OEMW31.INF 3411 11-12-96 16:23 README.TX_ 3225 08-07-96 12:37 RLDPMS.EX_ 3300 08-07-96 12:37 RLHOOKS.DL_ 42292 10-03-96 12:07 SD24.DR_ 83312 10-03-96 14:12 SD64V.DR_ 46886 10-03-96 12:10 SD64V_4.DR_ 17642 08-28-96 17:10 SDNT64.DL_ 12036 08-28-96 15:52 SDNT64.SY_ 34536 08-16-96 10:55 SDVDD.38_ 3658 07-29-93 01:00 SDVGA.2G_ 10382 11-01-93 01:00 SDVGA.3G_ 10851 07-12-96 17:32 SEARCH.DL_ 27241 03-10-92 04:10 SERIFF.FO_ 10489 03-10-92 04:10 SMALLF.FO_ 52711 09-26-96 11:32 SOFTPEG.DR_ 74831 09-13-96 03:55 SOFTPEG3.DL_ 27627 03-10-92 04:10 SSERIFF.FO_ 27198 03-10-92 04:10 SYMBOLF.FO_ 7121 09-13-96 19:27 VGA2TV.DL_ 9138 11-01-93 01:00 VGADIB.3G_ 49765 11-15-96 17:09 VGAUTIL.EX_ -------- ---- 1313145 57 files

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