Model: 2,88Mb
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
PC Chips 2,88Mb Driver. Attention! If you are looking for a video driver for SIS5505 Chipset in a PC100 Motherboard... You found it! Just download this file and execute setup to install video driver. Do not install this driver symple for the OEM file, this may not work properly.
File Contents: Attention! The sound driver (SoundPro Chipset) for this same Motherboard are avaliable to download in SIS drivers.
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
2441027 12-11-98 19:36 WIN95.1
320276 11-05-96 17:17 _INST32I.EX_
8192 09-07-95 20:22 _ISDEL.EXE
239482 12-11-98 19:35 _SETUP.LIB
5504 11-17-98 00:30 530AGP.PCI
3 07-18-95 16:17 DISK1.ID
32768 12-11-98 10:56 OEMROM.BIN
126334 04-17-98 15:32 SETUP.BMP
44928 11-04-96 14:04 SETUP.EXE
711 12-11-98 20:58 SETUP.INI
4940 12-09-98 15:53 SETUP.INS
510 12-11-98 20:58 SETUP.ISS
1452 12-11-98 19:36 SETUP.PKG
2 07-31-98 18:05 SIS530.CAT
4876 12-11-98 20:57 SIS530V.INF
429 11-09-98 12:21 SISPMC.INF
17902 09-17-98 13:09 TITLE.BMP
-------- ----
3249336 17 files