12 Mar 2025


Appian Graphics Appian Gemini WinNT4[nt4v116g2i] Video Driver

Company: Appian Graphics
Model: Appian Gemini WinNT4[nt4v116g2i]
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: nt4v116g2i.zip


Appian Graphics Appian Gemini WinNT4[nt4v116g2i] Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 65536 11-06-00 17:35 HydraFra.dll 159008 12-14-00 12:31 GemiNT4.dll 200704 11-06-00 17:37 ViewPort.exe 20480 11-06-00 17:36 ViewHook.dll 40960 11-06-00 17:35 HydraZht.dll 57344 11-06-00 17:35 HydraNon.dll 61440 11-06-00 17:35 HydraPtb.dll 57344 11-06-00 17:35 HydraSvs.dll 40960 11-06-00 17:35 HydraZhs.dll 105504 12-14-00 12:32 gemini40.sys 61440 11-06-00 17:35 HydraIta.dll 45056 11-06-00 17:35 HydraJan.dll 45056 11-06-00 17:35 HydraKor.dll 61440 11-06-00 17:35 HydraNln.dll 61440 11-06-00 17:35 HydraDeu.dll 57344 11-06-00 17:35 HydraEnu.dll 61440 11-06-00 17:35 HydraEsp.dll 57344 11-06-00 17:35 HydraFif.dll 57344 11-06-00 17:35 HydraDad.dll 114688 11-06-00 17:33 Hook95.dll 335872 11-06-00 17:32 Desk95.exe 819200 11-06-00 17:27 AppCplx.dll 122880 11-06-00 17:25 HydraHlp.dll 15298 07-25-00 15:48 readme.txt 76288 06-01-00 10:45 appdlgs.dll 173056 06-01-00 10:44 appvfw.dll 53248 04-17-00 15:47 uninstal.exe 17654 08-06-99 11:45 TIMINGS.DAT 6781 12-15-00 11:53 g2nt40.inf -------- ---- 3052149 29 files

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